Anonymous 12/12/2019 (Thu) 21:55:46 No.3629 del
>is it a sin to try to do demonic shit?

Also, you're making it WAAAY too complicated for yourself.

Here's your step-by-step guide to getting laid:

1. Recognize that you are in psychological captivity by subversive jews and want to get out.

2. As you study scripture, figure out all the lies you're believing as a result of your past trauma, acknowledge and take ownership of the real pain & let it all go as you replace the lies with the Truth of the Word of God.

3. Let go of your bad habits and embrace good habits that add to your success and thriving in life.

4. Become even more involved in your local uncucked church. Network with everbody there and maximize the amount of positive experiences and value you offer to the community.

5. As you socialize with girls at your church and be a fun, edifying masculine leader for them, befriend the dads of all the hottest girls at your church.

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