Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 10:59:43 Id: e9d7d9 No.139 del
(6.47 KB 757x362 fringeBenefits.png)
(1.83 KB 263x99 gelbooru.png)
Yes I can confirm that Gelbooru requires you to set a cookie to access all the content. This is because they recently added an option on the website which hides loli by default. The setting doesn't require an account to toggle because it simply uses a cookie to check if you've enabled it. This means it's pretty easy to set in Hydrus.

Go Network -> Data -> Review session cookies

There should be a cookie for The setting you need to add uses name "fringeBenefits", and the value is "yup". That's all you need to do, Hydrus should then import all content.