Anonymous Board owner 11/02/2024 (Sat) 18:42 Id: ed9fff No.1715 del
Ah, that's a shame. Does the venv setup fail, or is it when you try to boot hydrus? If it fails on the venv setup, can you scroll up the log and see if it is complaining about 'setuptools'?

I recently updated the versions of 'requests' and 'setuptools' to update past a security problem both of those libraries had, and the setuptools was a bigger-than-trivial gap. I had hoped it would not break Win 7 users, but perhaps it has.

If the venv installed ok, but you can't boot the client, you can _try_ this:

- Open a cmd window on the install dir
- If it is a powershell, enter 'cmd' to convert it to the old cmd
- Type 'open_venv.bat'
- Type 'pip install setuptools==69.1.1' (it should uninstall the old one and install the new)
- Now try to run the client.

If you still can't boot the client, can you check your desktop or the 'db' dir for a 'hydrus_crash.log'?