Board owner
01/16/2021 (Sat) 22:47:57
Id: cac9da
>>866I have to do more work on my end before apps can be more user friendly, unfortunately. It will come in time.
>>872There's an annoying issue with Qt tabs and the way I rename tabs according to file count. More info in
options->gui pages. Best solution, although it sucks, is to have nested 'page of pages' (e.g. "subs a-m" "subs n-z") and just multiple rows of page tabs that don't make the scroll arrows.
>>886>>887Yeah, you can do some neat auto-importing under
file->import/export folders->manage import folders.
Hydrus can't do much uploading at the moment, but if you have another tool that can pull from a folder and auto-upload from there, then perhaps an 'export folder' under the same menu could do the job for you.