Anonymous 01/20/2021 (Wed) 20:00:02 Id: 638f48 No.943 del
Still a bit confused still on the tag siblings thing.
If I type 'armpit hair' on the left dialog, it shows all the aliases at the top.
So if I want to add two siblings to 'armpit hair', lets say 'hairy armpits' and 'hairy_armpits' just as an example, I would type one of these on the right box, then click the add button, then ok on the popup.

Then I would do this again?

It doesn't seem like I can just say to make both of those a sibling in one go.

If I remove 'armpit hair' from the left, the siblings go away above, so it seems like that should be there.

The left is the parent, the right is where you type a desired sibling correct?


Typed that before I tried it, just tried it and it looked like what I just did replaced 'armpit hair' with 'hairy_armpits' which was not my intention although I submitted it. Not sure but I would suggest denying that change that I submitted to the PTR lmao sorry.

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