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But we'll keep ya company.

It's yet one more friend simulator, free topic, circle jerk board.
A replacement for the one I threw away.

Just be cool.

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Chain 01/04/2025 (Sat) 13:36 Id: 233857 (1) [Preview] No. 83966 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>83967
New thread, trains edition!
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#Hupony 01/06/2025 (Mon) 20:27 Id: d32cfb (1) [Preview] No.84390 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84392
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And silly

Expoti 01/06/2025 (Mon) 20:27 Id: b4c885 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.84391 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Maybe. Maybe not.

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 20:30 Id: 45839d (1) [Preview] No.84392 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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Don't believe the last part. I want it

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 20:30 Id: c647a7 (1) [Preview] No.84393 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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I'm touching.

Blue Archive thread.
Post cute lovely girls
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Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 11:20 Id: d59b77 (1) [Preview] No.83963 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83964>>83965
Just find whenever an office did their near yearly laptop refresh for good deals on ebay.

Or a suspicious "fell off a truck" good deal.

#Hupony 01/04/2025 (Sat) 12:07 Id: bbc914 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.83964 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83965
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Most offices tends to be using Lenovo or some Chinese garbage.
Probably just gonna stick to my current Dell till it falls apart

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 13:18 Id: 9a30b4 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.83965 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83968
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My company buys only Dell and Apple. I don't think we'd be allowed to buy from Lenovo or other Chinese companies or buy used computers.

#Hupony 01/04/2025 (Sat) 13:37 Id: bbc914 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.83968 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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You aren't missing anything anyway. The build quality is horrible, the fan arbitrarily dies and has trouble keeping your laptop cool from the company malware. Plus, the laptops also sometimes cannot resume from sleep

Get out of here Stalker Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 15:48 Id: 5479e4 (1) [Preview] No. 80261 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>82076>>82078
I always liked STALKER girls and the style.
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#Hupony 12/28/2024 (Sat) 14:40 Id: 476c70 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.83013 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83014
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Anonymous 12/28/2024 (Sat) 14:42 Id: 81360f (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.83014 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83015
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#Hupony 12/28/2024 (Sat) 14:43 Id: 476c70 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.83015 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>83016
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Spec needs to get his sorry ass here, or I'll make a horrible thread just to spite him

Anonymous 12/28/2024 (Sat) 14:49 Id: 81360f (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.83016 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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Do it.

Thread for cute girls.
Post them
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#Hupony 12/18/2024 (Wed) 09:35 Id: 8de81d (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.82075 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>82076
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This one?

Anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 09:37 Id: 5facfe (1) [Preview] No.82076 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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Anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 19:52 Id: 007f75 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.82134 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Ripping Hoshino's panties in half and shoving it right in with no foreplay.

December thread.
Post santa chicks
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#Hupony 11/24/2024 (Sun) 08:21 Id: 661977 (1) [Preview] No. 79198 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>79199
Der er nu kun en måned tilbage til juleaften.
Glædelig jul.
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Mot 12/04/2024 (Wed) 09:51 Id: c51606 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.80072 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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>tfw will never be proud of my rebellious son because I won't have one
Better be the first thing robo arms are made for!

Yeah it was a long one. Made me rush the story too. Still, from now on I'm gonna have to check what the event actually requires you to do when they hand out pulls.

What are you going to go do?

Mot 12/04/2024 (Wed) 09:51 Id: c51606 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.80073 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Fug. Again, enjoy.

#Hupony 12/04/2024 (Wed) 14:40 Id: 20e591 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.80074 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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Merry Christmash

From something lighter, to something even lighter. And from a top-fermentation ale to bottom-fermentation lager.
Today, we will crack open a bock from Randers Bryghus, called Jule Lys.

The beer pours a light amber color, leaving no head. It smells slightly of caramel.

When drinking it, it thankfully isn't flat, still having plenty fizziness to it, which its head wouldn't hint at.
It doesn't taste of nearly as much as the previous three beers, but that's not anything unusual when comparing tops and bottoms. Tops usually have a better mouthfeel and plenty more flavour, while bottoms are more refreshing and often better during warm days.
And the latter, is what this bock provides. A refreshing taste, with an after-taste of caramel and cinnamon, and a slight bitterness left behind in the back of your throat.

In summary, a beer better saved for a warm summer day.
And during summer, you needn't worry about the VOL either, since this one is only a meager 6%.

Happy drinking, and Merry Christmas

#Hupony 12/04/2024 (Wed) 14:52 Id: 20e591 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.80075 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 04:45 Id: 7eb0fe (1) [Preview] No. 77518 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>78207
Asagi Mutsuki is a sexy tight whore who needs my DICK!!

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Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 18:20 Id: f3aa9d (1) [Preview] No. 77046 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>77047
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Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 07:33 [Preview] No.78204 [X] del >>78205
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What you do to me

#Hupony 11/16/2024 (Sat) 07:33 Id: a32373 (1) [Preview] No.78205 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>78206
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You wish~
Gonna go shop and clean and such before guests show up. General grownup things.
Sleep well if you head off before I get back

Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 07:37 [Preview] No.78206 [X] del
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Enjoy ;)

Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 15:23 Id: 6e925a (1) [Preview] No.78217 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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Dying but at least I got Sena in 30 rolls.

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Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 08:51 Id: 764001 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No. 76146 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
3 more days until Trump is crowned God Emperor of Earth, anons.
The dark days will be behind us.
As a wise man once said, we're gonna win so much you're gonna get tired of winning.
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Chain 11/09/2024 (Sat) 14:02 Id: 271af4 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.77042 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>77043
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Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 14:14 Id: 764001 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.77043 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>77044
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Chain 11/09/2024 (Sat) 14:39 Id: 271af4 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.77044 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

#Hupony 11/09/2024 (Sat) 18:12 Id: e3bc63 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.77045 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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