Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 08:49 Id: f202f1 No.73503 del
(2.48 MB 1620x2466 121251443_p0.jpg)
True, crazy bitch.

Did they really have to make the second 5* healer the same element as the first one?

No, not worth it for a 4*, especially when there's another 5* on the horizon I want. I am disappointed that they copied the "put new 4*s on rerun banners" aspect from Genshin too. I like the mesugaki but just not worth it, especially cause 4*s have no pity so while its unlikely, you can go to 5* pity and still not roll one of the rate up 4*s. For example, like I mentioned before I still don't have Danjin, even though she was on rate up on a banner I've rolled on, I think Jinhsi's.