Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 05:18 Id: e92c79 No.78477 del
It's true that MiHoYo designs have always been a seemingly eclectic mess (that I like a lot of them regardless) but I feel like it's just gotten worse, which gives me this uncanny notion that it's less and less human involvement behind the wheel of these designs.
Not only that, I think you're not giving credit to what kind of AI slop was being pushed out two years ago. Please keep in mind two years ago was LATE 2022 which was exactly when all the AI slop became BIG on not just the industry level, but when the tools became readily available to just anyone on the internet.
Obviously I need to save for Himeko, and set aside time to physically choke and cry, but also I've wiffed on legit the last FIVE 5* girls, so... yeah, I have a lot of savin' to do.

No, you're playing Gakum@s 'cause that other girl plays it, you absolute SIMP!