Bernd 11/14/2018 (Wed) 16:49:02 No.20575 del
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>Olli Mäki
I heard about that dude. Even tho I don't really follow boxing. Maybe I'll give it a try and watch it.

How to obtain Spede movies anyway. Sounds like something one cannot just find laying around on torrent sites or streams.

Watched Commando. It's genius! I saw it ofc ages ago but didn't really remembered. I watched it now as a comedy and not a serious action movie. Very satisfying.
I'm in the process of watching Mortal Kombat now that we talked about it and want to have a comparison with Street Fighter. I watched some yesterday and probably will finish it today, I don't liek it. It has so shitty one liners, in contrast Commando's one liners are hilarious.