Bernd 12/06/2018 (Thu) 19:12:49 No.21068 del
>riichi mahjon sounds complicated, and I have hard time to understand because my english just fails me. It gets tiresome for my heda.
You shouldn't need too much English since the terminology is all in nipponese, but I guess that makes it even more confusing. If you're just interested in Mahjong in general and not specifically Riichi there are some simpler rulesets like Chinese Classical and Hong Kong. Riichi is pretty much the only version with an online community, though. Probably because of Akagi.

>I know chess though but I severely lack practice to considered a decent player.
Same here kek, I know the basic rules but no strategies or anything like that. I also tried out some other varieties in the past like Xiangqi and Shogi and had no idea what the fug I was doing.