03/23/2019 (Sat) 10:20:51
>>23989I have no opinion. For me this topic has very marginal importance and I think I could easily agree or reject any kind of ideas about it. I don't feel bound by my own previous statements neither (this doesn't mean much anyway, anybody can change his mind for whatever reason).
I'd rather throw in something from the "practical" side of the question of reality and existence.
Let's say there is this person, Joe Smith, he did deeds which might classify as interesting or real achievement for the general opinion, something which raise him above the great grey average. He meets Peter Jones who doesn't know his deeds, and gains and impression of him.
First impressions are very important they can decide how we view a person for a long time and only repeated witnessing of the other's deeds can destroy this picture we created - some are less prone to create these boxes to fit in other people (or these boxes are more elastic or changeable), some more, but we all do.
So Peter Jones will think that our Joe is something, he will have a verdict on him, and he might think he isn't capable of doing those things he did. Then later they talk and Joe says he did this thing, and Peter won't believe him, he would think he is lying and bragging about nothing, trying to build a reputation he does not deserve. Maybe those things Joe did cannot be proven easily or at all. There's no documents or witnesses about it or very hard to find. Were those things real? Were those things real only for him? For Peter they sure aren't. And won't be until he witnesses the capabilities of Joe.
Some people say they don't care what others think about them. Opinions of others don't matter. Let's say James Taylor is such a person. He also has achievements others might be jealous of. And Peter says he doesn't believe him, or he's a liar. But James go on with his life without wanting to prove anything. But Peter doesn't stop poking at him and starts to interrogate him why he doesn't reply, why he doesn't prove his words are true (now let's not judge Peter's overinflated self-importance). What would James do? If he really is indifferent about Peter's opinion he isn't obligated to talk about his motivation of ignoring his demands. Most people, who has this claim and loud about it, adopted this attitude to stop people criticizing them, to stop hearing negative feedback. However those who really don't care will let praise too fly by their ears. They are confident in their own reality and doesn't feel the need to conform to what others try to build.