04/04/2019 (Thu) 05:43:15
>>24277>Im not here to defend his videos.Obviously, that would be the job of the videos' creator.
I's like to point out however one more problem with that particular video. All in all these are just wordplays. If this kind of "analysis" of the words would be true then why not picking a whole sentence and go through every word in it? Because he can't only a selected few words are eligible for this treatment, these are just wordplays, most of them aren't even mean anything.
>definition>deaf PhoenicianSee? Doesn't mean anything. Why not say "the finition"
it's French for finishing.? Or "dolphinition" and claim the dolphins are manipulating our language
So long and thanks for all the fish.>>24280I disagree. Manipulation (like brainwashing) works best with sounds and images, because it is more like the alteration of emotions, since humans are emotional beings, most people's most decision's based on emotions. Every good propagandist knows this. The Christian churches know (well, all Abrahamic religions), Hitler knew.
>>24276>Reincarnation [...] simply mean to pass your genes off to your children.That's quite a materialistic view on reincarnation.
A better one: you die and microbes makes your body into microbepoo which then plants use to build their own body and you become a tree.
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