05/23/2019 (Thu) 18:57:12
>>26366So hospitals and healthcare.
This subject is treated by governments absolutely wrong, they should approach it from another direction: prevention. Great many of health issues comes from the fact that people are idiots
t. House MD, their shitty lifestyle, lack of exercising, overeating, bad habits, addictions, bad hygiene, mindset, etc. (and ofc the combination of these) leads to a great variety of illnesses (both physical and mental). So not the healthcare what's have to be re-reformed over and over again, but education. People needs to be taught to care for their body, to rest enough, to exercise enough (and how to do it), good habits needs to be cultivated (e.g. eating moderately, being temperate etc.), their mindset has to be changed - for example - to refuse addictive substances (e.g. many starts smoking as a teenager because it's cool, it makes them cool and the others do it too, etc.) by themselves (banning shit doesn't work). Also proper information has to be given to them and make them understand (about illnesses, pathogens, how they spread, how to prevent spreading etc.).
Now ofc it can be said that: yo healthcare is business, it needs ill people. But frankly while people are ill they perform worse, do less work, or don't work at all, they are bad for the economy. What's loss for the health business, it comes back in other sectors.