05/23/2019 (Thu) 22:39:19
>>26442> Ideally patients wouldn't be so ignorant and would have a basic understanding of biochemistry and medicine, and the psychological component of treatment would be carried out with less falsehood.In ideal world, maybe. But we have reality where humans aren't ideal and never will.
For example, I know a woman, she has higher education (in psychology though), she is sane and relatively smart, but with first light symptoms of something non-serous (like that common cold) she is panicking and trying to use wide array of medicines. No argument can make her stop, even when she agrees with it in discussion. Thanks god that market is full of cheap herbal and vitamin things that don't do any harm, otherwise she would destroy her liver with NSAIDs or such.
I guess even understanding of biochemistry wouldn't fix that side of human personality, it is survival instinct-based thing.