05/24/2019 (Fri) 05:28:06
>>26433>Hahnamann's "science"I talk about homeopathy. It's older thought than that dude's. It's just means treating something with something similar. Vaccination is a textbook example, using a (weakened) pathogen to activate an immune reaction, so next time when the real thing comes the body would know how to kill the (normal) pathogens, and could heal itself.
And basically that's the thing: the body heals itself. Not the doctors. There are notable exceptions - autoimmune, cancer etc. - when this isn't true, or certain mechanical wounds are just too severe without medical help. Tho let's say if I break my leg I need a doc to put things back to and fix into place but the actual healing is made by the body. It's not liek the doc stands there with a welding machine growing the new tissue and connect the pieces...
So this guy
>>26445 is basically right. Docs are fast to call out quacks while they themselves are just the same.
What does the good doctor do when I get the flu? Humming a little and tells me to stay at home, rest, drink lots of fluids, preferably hot tea with lemon and honey
basically this itself quackery since there's no actual guarantees if vitamin C and flavonoids will help, or if they really help, by how much, reduce days? who knows, if my temperature rises to high take a pill to bring it lower. Ergo create cushy circumstances and let the body heal itself: wow such a science. I learnt the formula right after the first instance I had the flu, I don't need doctor to tell me again and look smart that he knows stuff. Now I know even more than a doc would say.
And even with cancer. They try to cut out or destroy the tumor but they can't do jack shit with the cause. They don't even know where these come from. Supposedly they come and go all the time, the problem arises when they remain. Yeah they talk about shit that can give you cancer but some people get, some don't. Even strong smokers have better chance to die something else than throat/lung cancer. Fuckin lottery. It ain't science, science should be reproducible, if I drop something 100 times it will fall 100 times and not sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Tl;dr: doctors are quacks.