07/04/2019 (Thu) 02:30:16
Two anniversaries on the 1st of July:
25 years ago, on 1994, the Real entered the market. Though unpopular at the time, its introduction was part of wider reforms bringing a definitive end to hyperinflation and the "lost decade" of the 80s, opening the road to the prosperous 2000s. Previously several new currencies and hyperinflation-killing plans were devised over the span of just a few years and all of them failed. Now the 2010s have been another lost decade and the BRL has lost most of its original value; in the 90s 1 USD was worth around 1 BRL, at times even less, then for a long time 1 USD ~ 2 BRL was a good measure and nowadays 1 USD ~ 4 BRL is the norm. That's still better than other currencies on the continent and hyperinflation never returned.