Is this the face of post-colonialism? Bernd 08/13/2019 (Tue) 16:01:11 No.28630 del
Thanks. I think we're mostly on the same page, but my comments may not have been clearly stated.

>so it would take many years, minimum 4-5 to just get it running smoothly again.
>its more complicated than people might think. its way easier to mine gold.
Agreed, they're screwed. It will be cheaper to repair the infrastructure than to start from scratch. It's still going to be expensive to get the oil moving again.
But, my point was almost all other nations don't want to see Venezuela recover its oil industry any time soon at all. The world is flooded with oil at the moment.

>I dont think china cares that much. they have better sources more closely, indonesia, Kazakhstan, russia etc. Venezuela is far away.
Agreed, it's not their primary source. They view Venezuela as a nice little opportunity for an extra source on top of all those other places. Competition is good! Also good to diversify and have some backup too. China will not go to war for Venezuela, nor invest more than the absolute minimum to suck up a wee bit more oil for a better price than they might otherwise be forced to occasionally pay elsewhere.

>ukraine is far more important than venezuela from a geopolitical standpoint.
Also agreed. But, it's nice to fuck around with the other guy on his own turf when you can. Venezuela's an opportunity to repay the USA for its support of Ukraine, sanctions, etc. Russia's not going to go to war over it, although it's hard to see what they could do to provoke a war here. Hilariously, America's not interested. The American attitude has the Russians spilling and slipping over their vodka in astonishment! Where has Monroe buggered off to?

>it is easy to shit on venezuela but I see the blueprint for the world there. austerity will come im sure of it.
Yeah, it's a nightmare. Everyone is willing to put in tiniest efforts only to the extent of what they can first absolutely prove to profit from. It's not all about money exactly, but it's like everyone's foreign policy here is being run by short term accounting firms.
As for this being a model of the future of the world, I'm not sure what it portends. I am sure I can hear the ghost of Nixon screaming at us all: "THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?"