Bernd 09/08/2019 (Sun) 14:04:01 No.28993 del
reminds me of warcraft 2

So I got Atom too when it was on discount on GOG. It does look like the Fallout 3 we never got and has a nice warsaw pact touch, not just russia. Unfortunately it doesn't run on my machine very well even on lowest settings and it can run New Vegas without problems.

But I'm going to talk about different game I also got recently. It's called Underrail and it follows same principles: post apo, turn based rpg. If there was any introduction to the lore I must have missed it, but what I have learned is that humanity now lives underground in old metro stations and tunnels but also in deep caverns below. Some stations seems to form independent city-states but some factions like NCR who wish to unify humanity also exists. Also people can be psionics now too.
Game focus the most on fights and dungeon crawling. They're are pretty hard (don't play above normal difficulty) and you need to utilize everything you have most of the time and prepare to smash that F9 button a lot. Even the first enemy, the rathounds, although not very strong alone will swarm you and kill you with numbers. But also the very first combat trick you learn is that you can throw flare at them and scare them away giving you precious time to gun them down. On a different quest I had to go through a level filled with sentry bots and cameras and there couple of ways you could handle that situation:
- Frontal attack that would make you die of shame 99% of the time as the bots would stunlock you with tasers and flashbangs
- sneak around them
- if you didn't invest in sneaking skills you could find an omnitool some rooms earlier that would allow you to access vents and move around the map with lower risk of being detected
- also you could find EMP grenades in some of those rooms that would make the fight pretty easy (or just buy them before quest)
Bypassing enemies entirely is a viable option since you don't get xp from kills. Instead you get it only from quests and oddities that you find lying around various places or as a rare drop from a monster (unless you choose to play with a classic xp option). You get xp from certain type of oddity only few times so farming it this way is not really an option. Looting and scavenging is limited too, as merchants will only buy limited amount of goods in period of time. For example, during one visit he tells you he will buy only up to 4 firearms and 6 raw skins, but will always buy bullets and spent bullet shells.
Map is big and since there's no real fast travel system (except for things like ferry that will charge you money) it can take lots of time to backtrack.
There's few types of weapons and armor but you can use crafting to make many variants that suit your needs. They're also randomly available at the merchants. To supplement this there are many tools like grenades, bear traps, throwing nets, caltrops etc.
There is no big story behind your character, no being a chosen one, rather it just goes like this: you start as a fresh citizen of one of the underground stations and ask you to do some tasks around to help the community.
There's also expansion that focuses more about exploration, especially the underground sea, but I haven't touched it yet.
As I write now the game is on sale on steam and gog so if you're interested it's a good moment to grab it.