Bernd 09/25/2019 (Wed) 01:06:16 No.29358 del
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>speeding fines from cameras in few days.
Those are everywhere here since the start of this decade. They put those sensors all over the highways and enforce very strict speed limits. Supposedly they're there for safety but the whole point of roads and vehicles is going fast and so they should be reciprocated by making the highways good, which would allow higher limits in the first place, but all we get are speed detectors. Looking at this more cynicically highway administrators seem to view those things as a way to raise revenue through fines, which explains why some of them are stealthily placed and require abrupt braking on the driver's part, aswell as highway cops who hide and track vehicle speed to surprise drivers and exact fines from them. Bolsonaro has tried to curtail this and has been severely criticized for it.