06/03/2020 (Wed) 19:02:46
>>37151>Rubbed by whom?Rubbed in a laboratory to inoculate the disease in a healthy plant. I've seen it done with coffee rust. That is a step of determining that a species is the pathogen, if you spread it from a contaminated to a healthy host and it develops the disease you have part of the confirmation.
>Does some anonymous man just go around and rub fungi on leaves and is that how it "pathogenically" spreads?No, they spread by known means such as air.
>Mind you, the fungi doesn't come with the toxinThen where does it come from? I've already shown it can't have just been waiting on the leaf.
>All fungi are used for detox proceduresHow do they get to the leaf where the toxin is, in order to do their detox procedure? Why don't we see leaves where the toxin is, there are all of the symptoms, but the fungi is nowhere to be found?