06/05/2020 (Fri) 13:01:23
>>37247>Some parasitic fungi kill off the host cells to feast on the dead matter, doesn't sound like a good thing to me. What "host cells"? They're only getting rid of wasteful material in the body.
>Where do the fungi come from? You say they don't come from the plant (but reject every single possible entrance method), then say they do come from the plant and live parasitically.Perhaps they come from outside but live inside, either way they're not harmful.
>That it has little to none of your "toxin". It's hard to isolate toxins, the way to get rid of it is detox which germ theory denies. Again, these "toxins" I'm talking about all come from fumes that contaminate natural life, caused by the industrial revolution. Uncoincidentally, coffee ruts only appears after the industrial revolution was introduced.
>It's not irrelevant, it should be proportional to the dose. Extremely low doses should have no effect.How so? Extremely low doses of anything always causes a reaction, like how extremely low amounts of an actual disease are used in vaccines, regardless of whether it's good or not. By your logic, vaccines should be useless as they contain only extremely low amounts of the disease.