06/05/2020 (Fri) 13:52:01
>>37250>And what fruits exactly?Oranges and mandarins, such as that mold.
>How exactly do you "take a cell"?Using isolation methods (e.g. streaking) you get a Petri dish with only a few colonies. In fact, when doing dillutions of bacteria in water to quantify bacterial concentrations, it is possible to do too many dillutions and get too few colonies. Each colony came from a single mother cell, maybe a small number, but it grows by many orders of magnitude by assimilating the culture medium it's on. Hence each colony is a "cell you've taken". That's roughly how you quantify bacterial concentration, you assume each colony is a single cell that was in the drop of water you used and relate the number of cells/volume.
Hence it is what I've described, a "billionth", there's almost nothing of the original material with the toxin. All of the cells save for one or a very small group, in a colony with an order of magnitude of cells, have
not been exposed to the "fumes", nor did the biomass they're made of, which comes from the culture medium. Then you can repeat this and repeat ad infinitum.
>but with just some small toxic elements in a glass of water, you will experience a toxic reactionYou don't get a toxic reaction from toxic-based homeopathy, even in the higher concentrations that do actually contain the dilluted material. But when a toxic reaction does take place, it is related to the dose. With living being this relationship isn't as strong because they reproduce and expand, but nonliving toxins should follow this closer.