06/05/2020 (Fri) 14:29:33
>>37253>surrounding it are a billion cells that developed from it using uncontaminated materialHow could all those cells have remained uncontaminated?
>moleculesMolecules are metaphysical entities, they do not really exist. Plant cells are actual physical entities that can be seen under a microscope, and toxins, a result of fumes from industrial factories physically enter and dilute them.
>Homeopathy, if not coming from shady Indian laboratories, causes no toxic reactions in humans. No beneficial reactions, either, as it literally is overpriced water. Then shady Indian labouratories are the ones getting it right, because even small amounts of toxin do cause toxic reactions, they simply have to.
>When a nonliving toxin does cause a reaction, it is proportional to the dose, which is what you ignore again and again. The same toxin can be harmful in one dose and deadly in another. This should apply to your elusive "fumes", which have a stronger impact on the plant with stronger doses.Even if this were the case, all these fumes are going to spread throughout billions of plant cells; again, they simply cannot be isolated.