06/05/2020 (Fri) 15:09:52
>>37257>And you're saying that somehow they can avoid all these fumes from factories?You said it was from insects, then from factories. You don't really believe in anything. Orange mold was colonizing entire oranges when the Danes were still in tribal life.
>So these toxic fumes can only spread to one plant cell at a time?If there's x toxin, 1 billion cells and the toxin spreads equally each cell will have x/1 billion. It will not have x. The total quantity of toxin remains the same.
>It doesn't cause lead poisoning, it still causes a toxic reaction from the body.So you distinguish between levels of effect, "toxic reaction" and "lead poisioning", one is stronger, and it's caused by a stronger dose. So you admit there's a dose-effect relation. Apply this to plant disease. A stronger dose has a different effect from a lighter dose. The insect or the fumes give a strong dose. Inoculation from a colony gives an orders of magnitude lighter dose. You must conclude they have a different effect. However the effect is observably pretty much the same.