06/05/2020 (Fri) 16:05:54
>>37262>I claimed that insects are intoxicated by the fumes and then easily spread them to plants when making contactAnd absent human presence, there are no plant diseases at all?
>And what makes you assume the amount of toxicity has to be divided?The toxin is the cause of disease. The toxin has a quantity, a mass, concentration, etc. Everywhere substances are observed to change their biological effect, including toxicity, according to dose. One concentration of snake poison does not have the exact same biological effect as another concentration. You yourself accept this in the case of lead, the different quantity, high in one case and zero (but tiny in your case as you deny atoms) in homeopathy, has a different impact, the higher quantity's is stronger. The quantity of lead got divided and so did the strength of its effect.
>The "effect" is a result of the fungus's detox procedureNo it isn't. The "effect" I'm talking about are the symptoms and damage i.e. something the toxin, and exclusively the toxin, cause. It
is pretty much the same. If you do the isolation and then inoculate material from a colony into a healthy orange tree, in due time the fruits will rot and be rendered completely useless, that is the effect I'm talking about.
>Malaria for example, it's caused by a mosquito carrying a parasiteWhich parasite? Give me its name.