06/07/2020 (Sun) 17:41:00
>>37419It is completely relevant to your claim because your entire theory simply cannot explain it. Your theory necessarily predicts that certain things will occur, but they observably do not.
If I apply 1 g of mercury to a human there is
If I apply 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 g of mercury you can say "something happened" but the damage observed for 1 g is nowhere to be found.
If I apply 1 g of "toxic fumes" to an orange it will suffer
damage, a small spot of soft, unuseable material will expand to the entire fruit and render it worthless. This is an actual harmful impact, not a fungal reaction. The fungal reaction is the fungus visibly growing on the fruit and releasing its signs. It is not the loss of the whole fruit because that's what the toxin did. Fungi cannot ever be harmful.
If I apply 0,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 g of "toxic fumes" to an orange, as the origin of damage functions in the same manner as mercury, it should also not have the same damage as 1 g. Yet it does.