Bernd 08/10/2020 (Mon) 05:18:11 No.39159 del
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Okay, so update on this

I really haven't had any time to look for another job. Been really stressed lately, had to pay for some overdue debts I had, and don't work so much sometimes due to the kung flu fugging everything up in the production line. And I have to move now and look for a temp place to stay whilst looking for another job and permanent place to stay. Entire life's too messy right now

Well, if WW3, a global riot or some other massive disease wipes humanity off the map. That'll be the end of it, I guess

Whatever happens next, I just wanted to tell you bernds that I really liked talking with you guys and sharing content here. I've been here a while, and I've really enjoyed all of the experiences here, whether they be good or bad.

I mean hopefully nothing happens, but still idk