08/28/2020 (Fri) 17:02:28
>>39551 In 55 B.C., Caesar reported that “the people of the interior [of England] do not, for the most part, cultivate grain, but live on milk and meat, and are clothed in skins.” [Hawkes J. The World of the Past. Random House, 1963.] Grains were raised to feed animals, not people. IMO the "civilized" agricultural diet has been used as a weapon to destroy the physical and mental vitality and spiritual capacity of all indigenous people in the world. Francis Pottenger M.D. showed that animals (cats) could be reduced to sick, weak, infertile, sexually degenerated and brain-damaged shadows of their ancestors in just 3 generations by feeding them processed foods. Grains and beans are inedible and indigestible by our guts without processing so they are ALWAYS processed foods. We are also unable to extract nutrients from vegetables without cooking or processing them in some way because we have no enzymes for digesting fiber (CELLulose), the main constituent of vegetables, to release the nutrients packed in plant CELLs. A plant-based diet is a processed food diet, pure and simple.