08/28/2020 (Fri) 23:27:38
From a youtube comment:
13Gladius 2
1 year ago (edited)
The roots of veganism is philosophy and the root of this philosophy is Jainism. Jainism is a non-theistic religion from India. It teaches salvation by perfection through successive lives and non-injury to living creatures. It is noted for it's asceticism. Jains worship the Tirthankaras. This religion is associated with Hindu mythology and their goal is to break free of the cycle of death and rebirth (Samsara). It teaches that desire is the root cause of our existence therefore freedom (moksha) from karma (Samsara) is achieved through desirelessness. Mahavira (aka Vardhamāna, was the twenty-fourth Tirthankara of Jainism) defeated samsara by long periods of fasting. Veganism is a short-cut to moksha.
Yoga is a part of these non-theistic belief systems and is used to end samsara via ahimsa (non-violence). Yoga poses are for the purpose of unblocking the chakras to allow the Kundalini energy greater ease of movement up and down the central spine (Shushshumna) and energy pathways (Ida & Pingala to the left and right the spine).
In yoga you should at least be vegetarian bcz eating the product of death and suffering impedes the flow of Kundalini which accelerates the souls evolution.
These beliefs have roots going very far back into pre-history. Elements of these can be seen in ancient Egyptian mythology (Ra with his crook and flail), Buddhism (receiving enlightenment under a tree), Judaism (Samson btwn the 2 pillars) and Christianity (Jesus on the cross/tree btwn the 2 thieves).
But anyway the point is humans are carnivorous, by nature and attaching religious dogma to dietary practices that can be injurious to life and health of others is not prooer, to say the least. but most vegans are simply the useful idiots for things they don't fully understand. If anybody wants to live that way, it may be allowed as a personal choice but to try and impose it everybody else thru fear, insults, disinformation and lies, as so many of them do, is contemptible and needs to stop.
I hope you don't mind I tried to make a synopsis of the ideas and comments presented here
13Gladius 2
1 year ago (edited)
@Vandalism oV Veganism modern veganism is mostly an emotion driven belief based ideology that proposes to worship the created rather than the creator therefore a false religion. This regardless if you're theist or atheist. So yes it's a non-theist quasi religion. But why, in it's "worship" of nature is the human animal nature denigrated? Veganism's Jainist roots !!! Now I know
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