08/30/2020 (Sun) 00:10:06
>>39582>hat is a very good point. Without grains no civilization would had sproutedIt would, it would just has less people with stronger health. Hittites and Hattis (these are different things) mostly relied ony animals. Having more people benefits the division of labour though.
>Similarly meat based diet isn't an ideology, it's a dietbecause default behaviours are not ideology. veganism is an ideology assuming it's not a cult or religion, though I would not prefer to laber them that way.
> Grain based diet was secured thismost early farmers had far worse health than hunter gatherers. this is how blonde indo european hunter gatherers wiped out early european farmers and their isolated languages. even today afaik only isolated language surviving is basque, the people very much still resembling early european farmers.
Speaking of them many people ignore the fact europe was mixed since eternity. I guess having certain phenotype (which is not genotype) is enough to larp as büre bl00ded aryanz and shiet. But I digress.