>>39837 >Wolves eat as much as they can on every occasion because it's not sure when they will be able to eat next. It's an ancient instinct in many dogs to eat as much as possible, full belly is always comforting to them.
That works for many other animals, including humans. Higher primates also have such environment when they aren't sure about next dinner.
One of the biggest factor of obesity is that we trying to eat much more calories than spend. And classic meals (all these national soups and meat dishes) are pretty high on calories, because they are targeted to person who eats much but then does heavy physical work all day.
Modern humans don't spend so much, especially when they are sitting near computer all day, but instinct still forces us to eat more. All that "light" food that tries to make you loss weight aren't actually good, it just makes you feel nourished while having less energy output than normal food (i.e. just make your belly full with some low-energy ballast).
>>39776 >This runs on contrary to cats which eat grass for nutrition and nourishment
They also pretty stupid and may often eat toxic houseplants.