09/10/2020 (Thu) 00:15:34
>>39788>Thanks for good mammal info.T. Hanks
>I wish I had a friend of that kind. They're raly raly good to have around. Especially if you're meeting new people. Do you live in a big house or a tatami apartment Japanbernd? Maybe look into getting a new pet tbh
>It must be hard knowing that you will outlive him by so long. I've had around 3 pet dogs in the short time span I've been alive. It will break your heart seeing them die. But I suppose it will happen to all of regardless. At least we'll have good memories from our pets in the short time they're alive
>I wonder if parrots and tortoises think the same about us.Actually, animals are incapable of deep thought and reasoning like humans.
But they can feel empathy and compassion for human owners. They will be missing you if you leave suddenly and never return. Animals have a certain sixth sense when it comes to the emotional plane of existence. Which explains why therapeutic and service dogs are a thing.
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