08/13/2021 (Fri) 18:00:19
>>44710Or are all those stats on share of ppl vaccinated simply because we have wrong figures on the population size?
How much double-counting, for example, is there in the data? Funnily enough the European countries with lowest reported vaccination rates are the ones which have had the largest shares of population leave country and move to richer countries thanks to Schengen and such
And, well, Germany did a survey recently.
The reported vaccination rate is 59% for the 18-60 age cohort. However the results of the survey are 79% fully vaccinated. What's going on?
>Laut RKI ist der Unterschied zum sogenannten Digitalen Impfquotenmonitoring (DIM), das dem Impfdashboard zugrunde liegt, besonders auffällig gewesen in der Altersgruppe der 18- bis 59-Jährigen. Während bei der Erhebung namens Covimo (kurz für: Covid-19 Impfquoten-Monitoring) 79 Prozent der Erwachsenen unter 60 Jahren angaben, mindestens einmal geimpft zu sein, waren es laut dem offiziellen System 59 Prozent. note: Germans have horrendous bureaucracy surrounding all the recordkeeping (no real central system whatsoever) so perhaps 20% have simply not been reported yet. Perhaps it's the same in other places as well. Bureaucracy.