11/24/2021 (Wed) 21:33:50
>>45666What is toxic in soap?
In it's purest form it's fat and lye. Lye ain't good when consumed pure, but I think that page says it's watered down. Lye however is basic which neutralizes acids. I rinse with sodium bicarbonate solution couple of times per day, for the same reason (chiefly before brushing my teeth, so I won't scrub my teeth in acidic environment).
Ofc the soaps available in most shops contains much other stuff than the two core ingredients of soap, so I can imagine some stuff can be poisonous when ingested. But dunno which ones.
In general the advice on the page to consume pure water, or rinse with water is solid. Acids are bad for out teeth, no doubt, and water also neutralizes them (something more basic should be more effective).
I disagree that sugary stuff ain't bad. Our mouth do have a flora, and the bacteria there eats carbohydrates and poops acids (actually I think they make alcohol, but with enough oxygen they end up with acids, basically vinegar - it's similar to the process of wine making, similarly if oxygen gets to the wine it goes bad because it gets vinegary). And we are back: acid is bad. However sugary stuff also can be washed away with water. The real turd sandwiches are those high carb foodstuffs which aren't water soluble and can sit in the nooks, like potato. Those need to be brushed away (they don't necessarily need toothpaste I think, the mechanical cleaning should be enough).