12/01/2021 (Wed) 21:31:37
>>45696>Add a little more malt extract (or sugar) and bottle (this is for carbonation).How much bottle should be added? Broken or as whole?
>>45710>brew>wineOne does not brew wine.
>something like meadGet honey. Boil it in water. Let it cool. Add lukewarm yeast (you can heat a bit of water to lukewarm and stir the yeast in that). Put it in some container with a valve that lets gas out, but not air in. Let it sit on 15-20 C for a week.
Additional information: sanitize well everything you use for the process, pots and spoons, everything.
You can add "spices", from citric stuff through cinnamon, even toasted bread.
No, I did not try this.