Bernd 07/17/2022 (Sun) 08:19:30 No.48298 del
Day 5, I'm behind the shedule, busy days.

I thought Kitanowaka did a hairpull, but just pushed on the nape.
Hiradoumi vs Kaisho - they both just took a swing and jumped out leaving it for the chance. Kinda.
Enho, little man, got his second point. Nicely. Although anytime he bags a win, it has to be done in some spectacular way, simple yorikiri or oshidashi is hard to get due to his size I think.
Mitoryu thought he takes a nap in his armchair. There was no armchair.
Kagayaki almost saved it.
Ryuden got beaten. Ow well. Tohakuryu did good I have to say

Midori is in great form for now. Another win. Good chance having a positive balance.
Tobizaru slammed down the big guy.
Kotonowaka vs Endo - Interesting how a moment can decide a bout. Just one, then no stopping.
Kiribayama vs Takanosho - From 1-11 to 2-12. Takanosho knows how to beat Kiribayama. Not today.
Wakatakakage vs Hoshory bouts are always entertaining.
Takakeisho fucked up the first tachi-ai. But not the bout.

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