Bernd 10/03/2022 (Mon) 01:29 No.48882 del
Yes, it looks like they are launching fairly large scale attacks in Kherson and are having some success in the north of the region.

As for the east of Ukraine. I'm still unsure about it. Torske is behind a river but it's a fairly small town/village so the Russians may have felt that unable to hold it and so it may be a situation like the Kherson bridgehead. However if they take Kreminna then we know for sure that they still have momentum, Kreminna is quite important.

It's hard to say what effect the mobilisation will have and when but I don't think it will be the deciding factor here, I think the deciding factor will be whether the Ukrainians can keep their momentum or whether Russia can wear them down.

Also, I found and Australian M113.