Bernd 12/22/2022 (Thu) 09:51 No.49516 del
Just to make sure the drama crisis continues.
Somewhat related:
Yesterday I listened Orbán's end year press conference he gave the day before that, about half the 2 hours chitchat.
He said we, Hungary, managed to stay out of the war. Most of Europe are in this war already, since those who:
- are sending weapons are in the war, at least ankle deep;
- those who are training soldiers of one side are knee deep in it;
- those who aren't just training soldiers, but does operational, command training too, they are waist deep in it;
- and those who aren't just financing the military expenditure, but make it possible that the whole state can function - like how now the EU does it these days by €18 billion -, they are chest deep in it.
And he really hopes they won't drag Europe into it neck deep.
The journalist of Bloomberg asked how Hungary managed to stay out of the war when with the EU, Hungary too sends money the same (see point #4).
Orbán replied, that if we asked both Russians and Ukrainians they would tell that Hungary stayed out of it.