02/13/2023 (Mon) 14:04
>Dmitry Yakushchenko turned out to be alive — Prigozhin's press service posted a video with a PMC fighter
>Dmitry Yakushchenko, whose video of his “execution” was distributed today by Telegram channels, turned out to be alive. In the footage published by Prigozhin's press service, he says that, having been captured, he said "everything."
>He claims that the only way to survive in captivity was to just say what he said to Ukrainian journalists. In particular, in a video of Kyiv propaganda, he stated that Crimea is Ukraine, and he himself fled the battlefield. As a result, according to Yakushchenko, he was able to convey important information after captivity to the leadership of the PMC. The press service of Prigozhin, in turn, called him "well done."