Mikhail Meltyukhov Bernd 03/03/2023 (Fri) 15:04 No.49895 del
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Highly Relevant.
Упущенный шанс Сталина. Советский Союз и борьба за Европу: 1939-1941
Stalin's missed chance. The Soviet Union and the Struggle for Europe: 1939-1941

Towards war
The political crisis of 1939.
September 1939
Soviet Union and the fight for Scandinavian bridgehead
Soviet military build-up in Baltic states
Soviet Union and the fight for the Balkans
Soviet Union between Britain and Germany
Soviet intelligence and the problem of a surprise attack
The Red Army before the War: Organisation and Personnel
Soviet military planning in 1940-1941.
Soviet leadership's assessment of the events of World War II in 1939-1941.

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