03/04/2023 (Sat) 10:20
>>49899At one point I though he fired a bit into the dugout with the machinegun.
Many consequences.
1. Mostly can't see shit, just general direction.
2. One guy fights, maybe he is a "better shot"
ie. can kill/willing to kill people, maybe there is only just little space to do it, maybe he is stronger and can do the jumping up, firing in weird angles.
3. Unreliable explosives (I think most were just muffled by the mic of the camera, but a couple definitely did not go off)
4. Assorted weaponry.
5. Very little coverage in terms of vegetation. Not just because of winter the fights are mostly done on fields, many dugouts on the edge of fields where bushes, trees
6. Not much tactics from attackers, I would think they hold the place under fire, suppress the enemy fighters, some soldier crawls up and throw some grenades in - doesn't seem they do this.
7. Lots of rounds just shot blindly, most probably goes way above. The only notable exception when that bloke walks there like he doesn't know where he is.
Would be good to know where this is, what forces they face, Wagner, regular Russian, or from the people's republic.
Would be good to know how separated this dugout from others. Supposedly the crews in each dugout and trench should give fire support to each other.