Bernd 06/07/2023 (Wed) 19:35 No.50347 del
(25.68 KB 500x500 apuClosedEyes.png)
>The only thing I can thing of that would make people play it is the sunk cost fallacy.

Like World of Warcraft then?

>I never played on the team game mode. But yes, the characters look stupid.
It's liek Team Fortress 2, except bad. Same cel shaded models and similar lootbox/cosmetics system.

>As I stated a few times, I'm not fond of multiplayers.
I can liek understand where you're coming from bernd

>Fortnite looks like a zoomer game anyway.
That + among us are THE zoomer games. But among us has a really lengthy backstory to how it got so popular

>There was the Barbarian on Zx Spectrum.
Gonna try this out soon bernd

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