Bernd 06/22/2023 (Thu) 17:36 No.50491 del
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Cope of the day: picrel #1. At least it goes well for the Ukrainians on map.

Here's an good article by Royal United Services Institute:
Written a week ago. Still true. Which is bad news for Ukraine.

While I was trying to look up brigade organization info and charts, I found this article on the same website:
>Estimates produced prior to 24 February 2022 suggested the TDF would be able to engage as many as 130,000 people (25 brigades of 150 battalions)
>25 brigades of 150 battalions
Which is 6 battalions per brigade in the Territorial Defense Brigades, as Historylegends says >>50476
After a while I thought it would be the easiest just to look at Militaryland's db about the units, and check their composition. There is nothing about the TDBs. Or I just did not search hard enough. So essentially I have this one source above about this.
I also found that TDBs are seriously lacking in equipment, they are little more than pure infantry formations, with some ATGMs. And since quite a few mechanized brigades formed earlier this year, the heavy weaponry had to go to those units.
So besides the infantry/rifle battalions they have (most likely neither motorized), each brigade has to have an HQ, and some form of medical, communication, and logistical units (companies perhaps). No artillery (perhaps each rifle battalion has a light mortar squad or two), no recon, no chemical and nuke warfare unit, or some fancy stuff like UAVs (unless they buy their own).
I also believe that some TBDs are better equipped and more formidable than others.


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