Bernd 07/19/2023 (Wed) 08:05 No.50706 del
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New York Times article from 4 days ago offers numbers on the losses.
The subtitle and the elaboration of it is a bit misleading. It says:
>Early in the counteroffensive, Ukraine lost as much as 20 percent of its weapons and armor. The rate dropped as the campaign slowed and commanders shifted tactics.
>In the first two weeks of Ukraine’s grueling counteroffensive, as much as 20 percent of the weaponry it sent to the battlefield was damaged or destroyed
It's not clear if it's about the equipment of all the units designated for the offensive (eg. 20% of the 12 brigade), or about the units actively participating in those attacks (like the 47th mechanized, the 35th marine, the 4th tank brigades, and the others), or the actual units on the field (the companies and battalions).
I see some weird generalizations in the article too:
>the Ukrainians have so far taken just five of the 60 miles they hope to cover to reach the sea in the south and split the Russian forces in two.
5 miles? In depth? Where? They attack on several points. There is only 60 miles till the sea? Or 60 miles is enough? Ok, by the end they say at Velike Novosilka.
Further down in the article some solid numbers are offered.
> 47th Mechanized Brigade, [...] was set to receive 99 Bradleys
>it has visually confirmed, show that 28 of those Bradleys have been abandoned, damaged or destroyed
>nearly one-third of the original vehicles have been lost — although all but seven of them were blown up at one battleground
>The Oryx data show that only 24 tanks were lost for the entire month of June
>Ten of them were German-made Leopard tanks and mine-clearers,

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