cont. Bernd 10/04/2023 (Wed) 14:57 No.51100 del
So. They ignore, that:
- As previously mentioned, the successes aren't success stories, no redemption, the new government did not create a new system, did not eliminated corruption. The only change that they are USA/NATO/EU friendly.
- Perceived parallels with the post-Soviet states are false, or rather the same parallels can be found elsewhere, like the Baltics (although they are post-Soviet), the other Eastern EU countries, and the West too.
- Actual characteristics of the post-Soviet states (including those which not had their own coloured revolutions, like Russia) the actual circumstances how the current regimes came to be are different than Hungary.
- Hungary has undeniable and quite strong ties to the West and other countries, not just the USA, but Germany (perhaps France too) and Israel. The latter they (we) are especially blind of.