Bernd 12/12/2023 (Tue) 14:03 No.51376 del
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6. Brussels wants to send more weapons to Ukraine.
Brussels represented a pro-war standpoint form the start, and urged weapon shipments. According to this they spent over €5 billion on the development of the Ukrainian army. According to the latest suggestion, they would give further €20 billion to Ukraine's armament.
I'm not aware Brussels actually send weapons to Ukraine, unless we count the sovereign government of Belgium as "Brussels". The member states send 'em as they see fit I think. And this money isn't given directly to Ukraine, similarly what we saw in the case of the US support, I assume it is largely spent on EU companies, and structures and whatnot. And then what Ukraine gets directly, she spends it not on Russian and Chinese weapons, but makes purchases at Western companies. It revitalizes the economy.
a. Instead of weapon transfers we need ceasefire and peace.
b. Even more weapons have to be sent to the frontlines, from EU money.

7. Brussels wants more money to support Ukraine
The European Commission wants to support Ukraine with further €50 billion. Since this money is not available in current EU budget they want to acquire it from the member states. They ask Hungary to contribute while our homeland did not receive for a good while those EU funds which are granted in the contracts. Hungary spent many billions on the refugees arriving from Ukraine already.
I got a bit of déja vu here. Anyway. This is about the funds that got frozen due to the corruption of Orbán and Co. Brussels demands Hungary to fix the situation first. Now this is a good angle to counter this. To be frank our govt. could find (khm, create, khm) the loopholes in any regulation and siphon the EU gibsmedats into their own pockets.
a. We shouldn't pay more on the support of Ukraine until we get our due.
b. We should accept the request from Brussels, even if they don't secure our money.