Bernd 12/13/2023 (Wed) 08:57 No.51385 del
Related to: #11
According to law political parties cannot accept foreign donations for their campaigns (perhaps can't accept at all, not sure). But nothing prohibits individuals and private groups, movements to accept these even if they are political actors. Apparently - Fidesz says so - the opposition accepted money from foreign organizations in quite large sums. Now the Fidesz calls 'em "Dollar Left Wing", tries to cut such funding, and claims this meddling is harms our sovereignty.
They just enacted a law (yesterday) what they call "Sovereignty Defence Law" tailored just for this. The law also serve as a basis to set up a new organization, tasked by investigating foreign funding of political parties, actors, movements, organizations.
Such law isn't unprecedented, apparently US has similar law, but there they just have to declare they are accepting foreign funds if I understand correctly. Have not looked up that law (yet, might never will).
This drama the Fidesz is generating is part of the campaign of the next local (municipal) elections of 2024 ofc - and the script was recycled from the American election screenplay ("Putin hacked 2016 election").