Bernd 06/07/2024 (Fri) 07:39 No.52044 del
(803.77 KB 5477x2739 eu-elections-2024.jpeg)
Europeen Parliamentary Elections is ongoing from 6 to 9 of June. This is when us Europeons cast our ballots to get rid of the most useless cunts in our country for 5 years by sending them to Brussels.
I'm not sure about other countries but here one topic, frankly the major topic is the Ukraine war. War or Peace!
Fun thing, this was mentioned by Wyatt of DPA, that the Ukrainian Defense Ministry does not give out reports these days, and he suspects it might be because of the "peace conference" and Ukrainian govt. want less bad news to talk about. I hit up DW to read about the peace conference, they sure mention it, but the "Ukraine" headline disappeared from the navigation bar at the top. This made me think maybe, the thing is hushed now because everything is a propaganda, and it is common practice that during the days of elections the campaigns are paused. Therefore they shut down UDM communications too for a bit.

I picked this image because that hand placing the ballot into the urn looks like a dispirited man gave up all hopes, or a peon bowing to their masters. Granted a bit too squiggly legs.