Bernd 06/10/2024 (Mon) 08:12 No.52050 del
Here's the comparison between the previous and the next EU Parliament. This will change somewhat, for most are still "Provisional" results, but especially for the "Non-attached members" and the "Others" can find a party group to join. Fidesz is NI at the moment, and there were talks beforehand if they can join somewhere.

This website also has a handy tool for calculating majority.
Frankly this doesn't matter as much as for national elections because these parties don't form a government. The EP accepts or rejects laws proposed by the European Commission, and they vote however the fuck they want. So the party groups on the right might gained more seats, the EPP oriented towards the left so they can vote in whatever the left pushes currently.

Greens and Renew Europe Group (liberals) lost a lot of seats. I think trust in Greens fell due to agricultural issues and energy crisis. The libs perhaps has little to offer in current issues. I dunno.

Also what's up with Ireland?