Bernd 06/13/2024 (Thu) 07:58 No.52055 del
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So when the results weren't even in completely but it was already sure that Rassemblement National won bigly in France, Macron called a snap parliamentary election to show "the democratic" powers are still strong in France. Election first round comes in June 30th, second on July 7th.
His term as prez of France has still three more years, till 2027 May. He said:
>Far-right parties [...] are gaining ground across the continent.
You did that, Macron, you! You and your decisions, and acts along with your pals. If you did better people wouldn't be dissatisfied.
I'm sure he reads this and will learn from it.
The article below warns the obvious danger:
>Jacques Chirac called snap legislative elections only to see the left win a majority. This left him forced to endure half a decade in "cohabitation,"
We are at the half time of the current legislative cycle in. The RN could score the majority of the seats, crippling Macron's abilities to act - which could have been fine for two more years. But surely he did a quick count of the percentages of the following top five parties, which added up to 51-52%.
There are four more factors:
1. Frances election system might not favor the RN;
2. the Reconquéte party, another "far-right" group which could support RN, but can also take away votes. Marine Le Pen's niece, Marion Maréchal, is associated with that party;
3. The prez of Les Republicains party announced his party will align with RN, he was kicked out promptly, but now this shakes the party and have little time to reorganize, confidence drops, he might take votes with him too;
4. this is just EU elections, results shouldn't be taken that seriously.